Friday, May 28, 2010

Bloggin' It

The purpose of this blog is to tell my story, to chart my journey, and hopefully to help others along the way.

I am coming out the other side of a year from hell. My worst nightmare came true in my life. And, thank God, I am now on a journey of healing from this. I am even at the point where I can say that I choose to no longer call it a nightmare. It was a crisis, that has prompted huge change for me. I don't think I will ever be able to say that I am grateful for the crisis. But, what I AM grateful for is the change.

At this point, I am not going into all the details of what happened in my life. The people I choose to share this blog with will know anyway.

And, what happened is actually not what is important. What is important is my journey now. That is the part I want to share.

I am choosing to name this blog "Rockin' and Rulin'" for a very specific reason. It is because my world was rocked, shattered, and blown apart. I lived for months in that shattered and broken state.

And, slowly, with the help and support of a community of friends, and especially a few key people, I learned that I no longer need to keep living with my world rocked. I can choose to be the ruler of my own world. I can choose to take charge of what happens to me from here on. I no longer need to feel shattered and broken.

I am alive!

I am strong!

I am in control!

I believe in myself!

and.... most importantly.... I AM WORTH IT!!!!!

I know I am.

So, now I work on my healing process, my reclaiming of my life, and rediscovering who I am after my world was rocked. I am creating the world I want for myself. And I am excited about that.

No matter what has happened to me, life is full of goodness and blessings. There is a God who loves me. There are people who love me and support me. And I am going to be ok. I will be better than ok. I will thrive.

So welcome to my blog. I hope it is helpful to someone. I will be sharing some of my writing, some of my thoughts, some of my reflections on my journey.

May God bless you.

1 comment:

  1. Kel ~

    You rock my friend! I am so proud of how far you have come and I am honored to call you friend! Anytime, you know how to find me.

