Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Prayer of Release

This morning I spent some time in prayer. This is what I wrote in my journal during that time:

Loving Father

I believe in You

And I believe in Your Love.

I believe You want what is best for me.

I choose this day to love myself,

To honor who you created me to be.

In order to do that,

I need to release to You

my pain

my hurt

my anxiety

my fear

my loneliness

my hopes

and my dreams.

Even more importantly,

I release to You

the person most on my mind and heart

the person who caused me this pain.

I release this person to you.

I release my desire to fix and rescue.

I trust You as the Creator of this person.

I trust that You will help this person where I cannot.

I trust that You will take care of this person where I cannot.

Help me to love this person,

But never to lose sight of loving myself.

Help me to know when to reach out,

and when to step back.

Help me to know when to confront,

and when to accept.

Give me wisdom and strength

For a journey I never dreamed I would be on.

I know I cannot travel this path alone.

Thank you for dear friends who are walking with me.

Thank you for answers to prayers in the deepest parts of my heart

That I did not even know existed.

Thank you for knowing what I needed before I did.

I release.....

I receive.....

And I thank.


1 comment:

  1. Kel~

    That is beautiful my friend...While the journey is long and painful, I am thankful to have people like you walking with me.

