Tuesday, July 6, 2010

What it Truly Means to Rule your World

"James teaches us that the redeemed should respond to the trials of life competely differently than those who do not have a Christian perspective on life. James teaches us that when we encounter trials, we should 'count it all joy'. This is a reaction that is definitely counterintuitive but part of the Christian distinctive. The word translated 'count' is hegeomai. It is an accounting term that means we are to place trials in the joy column of our emotional ledger. We can only do this if we understand the divine purpose behind trials. Hegeomai also means 'to rule or exercise authority.' In fact, hegeomai was used to refer to an imperial governor. In other words, when you are thrust into a trial, you must become the governor of your emotions and not allow them to run out of control. You must take authority, rule over your feelings, and choose joy as your dominant emotion. Govern your emotions; don't let them govern you." Brian Zahnd in What to do on the Worst Day of your Life

I know, I know.... easier said than done.

But just because it is hard doesn't make it less true.

This is truly the secret to ruling your own world, being in charge of your own destiny, living God's purposes for you on this earth.

Our emotions are powerful and valid. They are real and must be acknowledged and given room to be expressed and healed.

But they cannot dominate us and take control.

When they do, we make bad decisions, we over-react, and we do damage in our relationships.

To choose joy in the midst of trials is no easy task.

It is near impossible.

But not completely impossible....
That is why we have an all powerful and all loving Father

who guides through those dark times and shines the light into those areas of joy.

Let you attention rest on the small blessings all around you this day.

Let that bring your attention to the larger blessings all around you.

Let your heart experience the joy that your Father created those blessings for you.

And choose joy to rule your heart.

As I told my dear sister in Christ yesterday, joy always comes in the morning.

Maybe this is your morning.

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